Tuesday, October 7, 2014

What's The Point? [second movement]


Three simple words to describe why I do what I do. This time around I will focus on the second: Genuine(ly real & fun).

First, I only write songs that reflect my journey. Is this selfish? Perhaps. However, I can assure you that approaching songwriting in this manner will always produce something genuinely real. I have spent many years attempting to be what others expected me to be. I have a bad habit of trying to please everyone, typically at my own expense. This, sadly, bled over into my songwriting. So now I focus on writing where I am, so to speak. I know I'm onto something as a fellow singer/songwriter (whom I had previously never met) informed me that the song I was just singing was “really good; I could feel the passion...” Incidentally, it was a new one titled “The Struggle (is real)” that will be featured on the upcoming EP.

Next, I love comic book stories. And not just comic book stories, but stories about ordinary people doing extraordinary things. In the course of these stories you typically find that in the midst something amazing the characters are stripped down to the simplest version of themselves. It's when they face down their weakness that they become their strongest; their most powerful. As I stated in my previous post, “Writing acoustic-driven music has forced me to strip away my insecurity and lay myself bare...” I am now facing down my weakness. Coincidentally, I am also finding my strength, my power. When I prepare a set list, I plan it in such a way as to tell a story. It is always my hope that my audience will find some encouragement from the story I tell: my story.

Finally, I donned a pair of glasses (that I do not need) and created an alter-ego. Why? So I could hide, of course! Yet, in the course of doing this I am finding what every great hero has discovered: The ego and alter-ego are not two separate parts. Whether he puts the glasses on or not, Clark Kent will always be Superman. I can call myself J. I can call myself John. No matter what, I am me. And both parts are the same person. Nothing changes that. The musical journey co-exists with the physical, emotional, and spiritual journey. If you haven't been to a show yet, it may be time, there's a story to be heard...

D.S. al Fin (to be concluded…)